Change Log The RSS feed for Change Log.

  • Cards Theme Version 1.9.6

    The Cards Theme for has been updated to version 1.9.6. This version includes support for the new audio narration feature introduced to the other day. read more

  • Cards Theme Version 1.9.5

    The Cards Theme for has been updated to version 1.9.5. This version includes built-in support for the Search Partial plugin by @gregmorris. Install the Search Partial plugin from the plugin directory. Your Archive and Category pages will automatically show the Search box below … read more

  • Cards Theme Version 1.9.4

    The Cards Theme for has been updated to version 1.9.4. This update, hopefully, resolves an issue with the configuration being overwritten when you update the theme. If you update your existing Cards Theme, it should no longer overwrite your existing configuration file. If you are using … read more

  • Cards Theme Version 1.9.1

    The Cards Theme has been updated to version 1.9.1 which is a minor update that includes some CSS fixes to improve the new Reply Text Box feature from and also improve the default Blogroll/Recommendations CSS. read more

  • Cards Theme Version 1.9

    The Cards Theme has been updated to version 1.9. Recently, updated their premium subscription to allow multiple blogs. Unfortunately, the image or avatar for each blog is shared with your account. What if you want a separate image per blog? Now you can! A new setting allows you … read more

  • Cards Theme Version 1.8.3

    The Cards Theme has been updated to version 1.8.3. We now have separate options (again) for displaying categories on various page types, such as Home, Categories, Archive, and the Post itself. Special thanks to @lostinhate for the pull request! Additionally, when the “Show RSS Link on … read more

  • Cards Theme Version 1.8 - A new RSS icon!

    The Cards Theme has been updated to version 1.8, introducing a new RSS feature! automatically generates an RSS feed for each category you create. To enhance usability, I have added a new setting in the Cards Theme. When enabled, an RSS icon will be displayed below your category … read more

  • Cards Theme Version 1.7

    The Cards Theme has been updated to version 1.7. A ton of fixes and cleanup. Images in a post are now centered. Fixed a small datetime formatting issue on the post page. Adjustments to the Date and Time logic. A tone of CSS clean up and fixes. Categories are now more consistent looking. … read more

  • Cards Theme v1.6

    The Cards Theme has been updated to v1.6. - Several CSS updates fixes. - Updated Categories to look a little nicer. - Added support for the Reply by Mastodon plugin. - Updated the default dark theme. - Added a new configuration parameter to set the border color. - Fixed an issue with … read more

  • Cards Theme Version 1.5

    The Cards Theme has been updated to v1.5! Removed the manual theme toggle, as it will now automatically use dark mode based on the users system settings. This allowed me to remove a lot of JavaScript and CSS from the theme. Dates now look like links, and the time is shown with the date by default. read more

  • I updated the Cards theme to v1.4.0, which includes a new setting to allow sorting your categories alphabetically. Thanks, @lostinhaste, for the pull request!

    The update should be available within the hour.

  • The Cards Theme has been updated to v1.3.8. 

    - Fixes an issue with category paging.

    - Renamed “Show Tags on Home?” option to “Show Categories in Navigation?”

    - If “Show Categories in Navigation” is selected, the categories now show on all pages.

  • I updated my Cards Theme to v1.2.1 with support for Tinylytics Kudos (by @Vincent). I recommend using the Tinylytics for plugin by @jimmitchell to add Tinylytics and enable the Kudos feature. Then in your Cards Theme settings, check the box to Enable Tinylytics Kudos.

    See example below.

  • The Cards Theme has been updated to v1.1.9.

    The Cards Theme has been updated to v1.1.9. This version adds a setting to hide the categories from the post. After updating, you can go to your Card Theme settings and click the checkbox to hide the Categories from the post. If you wish to keep the categories on the page but prefer to … read more

  • The Cards Theme has been updated to v1.1.6.

    • The categories (if any) will now appear on the post page.
    • Added an option in theme settings to show a summary rather than the full post on the home page and category pages.
  • Cards Theme 1.1.5 - Reading Time

    The Cards Theme has been updated to support “Reading Time” on posts that take longer than 1 minute to read. This option will appear when you upgrade to v1.1.5 in the Plugins. There is a known issue with where your plugin settings will be overwritten when you update the plugin. … read more

  • Cards Theme 1.1.4 Enable the Conversation or Reply By Email plugins

    Update! The Cards Theme v1.1.4 has been updated to automatically show the Conversation and Reply By Email plugins if they are installed. You no longer need to update the theme as per the instructions below. Suppose you are using the Cards Theme and want also to use the Conversations or … read more

  • Cards Theme 1.1.1 - New Dark Mode Toggle

    The Cards Theme has been updated with Dark Mode support! Thanks to inspiration and help from @danielsantos, the Cards Theme for now has an option in the plugin settings to enable a dark mode toggle. When toggled on, your site visitors will see a theme toggle in the top-right corner. When … read more

  • Cards Theme 1.0.8

    I made some minor updates to the Cards Theme for Removed some unused CSS from the main.css file. Added some additional padding above the footer. Added some additional padding around the text with the cards. Removed the custom 404.html page. I had problems loading the page content because … read more