I attempted to include an option for the Cards Theme to add Previous and Next links below your posts. The idea would be to make it easy to navigate to the next and previous post (obviously). However, it doesn’t seem to work as expected.

I was able to get the links to render using the following code:

{{ if .NextPage }}
	<a href="{{ .NextPage.Permalink }}">« Previous</a>
{{ end }}
{{ if .PreviousPage }}
	<a href="{{ .PreviousPage.Permalink }}">« Next</a>
{{ end }}

But, the results were unpredictable. It seems to include all pages on your site, including Replies, Pages, in addition to your posts.

I tried other variations, including those mentioned in this conversation on the Micro.blog help site. Nothing seems to work correctly.

That’s unfortunate. If anyone has any insight on how to accomplish this for Micro.blog, please let me know.